Sunday, August 22, 2010

Doors and Windows

After an incredible week in Colorado, I was on my last jog on Cherry Creek Thursday morning. As I left Riverside Park I walked past a girl in the middle of a conversation on her cell phone. Just as our paths crossed I heard her say, "when God closes a door He opens a window". Of course, I have used this saying before as I'm sure you have as well.

As I have pondered the events of the past week and what this phrase might mean in relation to my adventure, I must digress and tell you more about said events.

After meeting Allison and then talking to the security guard again, I failed to tell you that Will, the security guard, attends Jubilee Fellowship Church. On the surface, this is no special data to process. But, as I dug deeper, I found that my Church in Charleston helped Jubilee expand their ministry by adopting the campus approach to reaching more people. Seacoast "stumbled" on this concept several years ago due to zoning restrictions at the main campus. Since then they have been training other churches on how to do the same thing. Of course I don't believe for a minute that they stumbled on anything. As is with God, many times we look for a door and He shows us a window.

This is what I believe God did at least a few times in Denver. I had been wanting to stay in the Washington Park area again but God had other plans. I would not have met the great people I did nor experienced the many ways He used me in Lower Downtown, known as LODO.

The main reason for my trip was to meet Tim Tebow and discuss working with him and his foundation. This did not happen as I had hoped or did it... I have yet to see the fruit of my steps of faith and obedience but I was very aware of the Spirits presence and moving in and through me.

Over the last few days in Denver I began praying about what I might do to be more valiant and chase my lion as Beniah did in 2 Samuel 23. The thought popped into my head on Sunday to make a poster with a bible verse on it and hold it up at a Broncos practice. I had two practices left to decide. Tuesday mornings practice came and went and the sense of urgency grew. After the morning practice I drove over to Jubilee Fellowship to check it out. First I met Ben the youth pastor. I briefly shared my story with him and then he prayed with me.

I then met Jessie, a worship leader who gave me the fifty cent tour. During our time together I shared my story with him and found out that His Dad was instrumental in planting Seacoast Church- the Church I have worshipped at for the past 6 years.

What a blessing to meet these two servants and be reminded of the amazing ways in which God works. It is no coincidence that I met Will who attends Jubilee and that Jubilee has a big connection with Seacoast. God is the Master Maestro and His music is sweet as He moves and weaves through our lives. It still astounds me that the Creator of the universe chooses to live and move through me!

As the final practice approached I decided to stop at Target and buy poster board and markers. So,there I was, in the Target parking lot making a poster on the hood of my rental car. My next dilemma was what verse I would put on the poster. Verses that have been instrumental in my life as well as Tim's popped into my head but I was steered to 2 Timothy 1:7-

For God has not given us a Spirit of timidity but a Spirit of power and of love and of self discipline.

As I held up the poster I drew much attention to God's word and of this I was thankful. As God has been reminding me to overcome my fears and live out loud I was impressed by the Spirit to go with this verse. I found it to be as much for me as it was for those who saw it. As passionate followers of Christ, we must not fear looking foolish for the cause of Christ.

Halfway through the practice I was approached by Les from Yahoo Sports. He had seen my sign and asked If I would talk with him about Tim Tebow. This, I believe, is the window that God opened for me. I was looking for a door to Tim and God did the old end around through a window. By the end of our 20 minute interview, Les had "pulled" out my story and the reason I was there. I still shake my head and laugh when I think of this. It's really cool when the Holy Spirit is your publicist! If we are meant to do something He will make sure it happens. Of this we can be absolutely sure. It is our job to trust and obey. To drop any illusions of control we hold onto and submit our lives to the one who holds the world in His hands!

As I was back at Seacoast Church today, pastor Greg spoke of taking the scenic route with God- the road less traveled. He used his time in Colorado this summer as an illustration. He spoke of how we "like sheep" are prone to take shortcuts and try life our way, steering away from the path God has for us. His path is definitely not the quickest way from point a to b. In fact, It is a narrow two lane road filled with perils and peeks, grand vistas and dark valleys. It is a life of trust and obedience with new adventures of faith around each bend in the road.

Our human nature shuns this path in lieu of the broad high speed short cut that leads us to our desires for peace, prosperity and happiness. "Our path" does not promote trust and faith but a false life of certainty and control.

Proverbs 14:12

12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.

As we see, the broad path of our control leads to death- separation from God and our eternal blessings in Christ.

As I have walked this winding path with the Spirit I have found life to be rich and a compete blast. We don't have to fear where our loving God will lead us. His paths, though hard and lonely at times, are always the only path worth taking. He will never leave nor forsake us but will always be right by our side- even when we don't sense His presence. After all, we have the Spirit of the living God living within us!

Oh, mystery of mysteries! Emmanuel, God with us! But as we see in the Gospel of John- the Holy Spirit has come to not only be with us, but dwell in us!

John 15:5

5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

As Paul said in Colossians 1:27

27) To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

So, here I am back in the swamp, waiting to see what is around the next turn on my path with the Goose. I am ever convinced that it will be wild because, after all, we serve a wild and awesome God.

Prayer- Oh Jesus, thank you for your amazing love for me! As I worshiped in Church today, I was so aware of this love that led you to the cross- to Calvary- to suffer the pain and shame that was meant for me. As tears of joy flowed I was reminded that you chose to make your home in my heart. That's it! It always comes back to my heart! As I am in touch with my new heart, I am in touch with you. Welcome Home!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Available And Out of Control

Rushing wind, blow through this temple,

Blowing out the dust within;

Come and breathe your breath upon me:

I've been born again.

Holy Spirit, I surrender; take me where you want to go.

Plant me by your living water,

Plant me deep so I can grow.

Jesus, you’re the one who sets my spirit free;

Use me, Lord; glorify your Holy Name through me.

Separate me from this world, Lord;

Sanctify my life for you.

Daily change me to your image,

Help me bear good fruit.

Ev'ry day you're drawing closer;

Trials come to test my faith.

But when all is said and done, Lord,

You know it's been worth the wait.

Jesus, you’re the one who set my spirit free;

Use me, Lord; glorify your Holy Name through me.

Rushing wind, blow through this temple,

Blowing out the dust within;

Come and breathe your breath upon me,

For I've been born again.

This is one of my favorite Keith Green songs! It so clearly speaks of a life out of control. When we give up control and trust and obey, we open ourselves up to the moving of the divine. After I finished my last post I walked down to the 16th Street Mall here in Denver. It is a really cool outdoor mall right in the middle of downtown. It is a treat to walk along and take in the sights and sounds of street performers honing their crafts. On any given night or day you can watch or play chess on one of the many tables. It is a great way to meet people and be open to the Spirits divine opportunities.

At first I sat and watched a chess match and then struck up a conversation with a police officer guarding the Denver Federal Reserve Bldg. Shortly after talking about the local homeless situation a 20 year old college student by the name of Allison came up and asked about a local place to eat. She did not want to eat at a chain restaurant but something unique to the area.

Now if anyone really knows me, they know that I would do the same thing. I refuse to eat at a chain unless it is Houstons or Yardhouse. Otherwise, give me some local flavor! I spoke up and said I knew of a place she might like. I suggested that I show her where it was and we began walking.

Wow, talk about a divine appt! Turns out that this young lady is seeking. She came out of the catholic church and has a lot of questions. We probably talked for at least 2 hours! I shared some of my story and wrote down some books for her to read along with my blog address. I encouraged her to start reading the Gospel of John when she got back to her room. (a shout out to the Gideons! Your ministry of bibles is a blessing!) Before she left I asked if I could pray with her and she said yes but asked what she needed to do. I said just bow your head and close your eyes and I will pray. What a beautiful moment right in the middle of the open mall!

I began walking back to where I am staying and I saw the officers again. I stopped and the Sr. officer and I began chatting again. Turns out he is from CA and moved his family here a few years ago. The best part... He is a Christian and we talked and talked about life and living it with a Wild God! I told him about Allison and asked him to pray for her.

Between spiritual battles I seem to be smiling a lot these days! Following the Goose does that! Who ever thought that being "out of control" could be such fun!

Give it a try and see what God does! Here I am Lord, use me!

Peace be yours! Jon

Monday, August 16, 2010

Goose Tracks

Well, it has been an amazing trip so far! The Goose continues to show me many evidences that I am on His trail! Walking with God is amazing, challenging and at times can leave you drained. My first two days in Denver I stayed in the Washington Park neighborhood. I, almost immediately, began to feel like I was not where I was supposed to be. As this sense grew on Thursday I got online and contacted a couple I saw on a couch surfing website before I flew to Denver.

Well, Lori calls me immediately and says I can surf with her and Mike. So Friday morning while I was jogging the Holy Spirit confirmed that I was on the right track. Of course I found this to be true in spades. From restlessness to peace just like that! I was reminded of the Apostle Paul on one of his journey's. He had purposed to go one direction and God said no, you are going another! God says, no, I have other plans for you.. trust and obey. I had wanted to be one place and God said nope!

As it turns out, I am not the only one surfing with Mike and Lori. Jim from Canada and Andy from Missouri are also staying with us. Turns out we three have a lot in common. Jim is with a new yoga marketing company on his own adventure and Andy is on a faith walk similar to mine. Andy is an evangelical Catholic en route to a monastery in Snowmass Colorado. I asked him how he was getting to Snowmass, which is over 3 hours from Denver and he says, hitch hiking. I told him I would drive him up there. We left Sunday morning and had a great time of fellowship, talking about our walks, the catholic church and various other spiritual subjects. It was so obvious that God wanted us to meet.

I have felt so welcome and blessed since I followed the goose to stay with Mike and Lori and gang. Just one in many confirmations that God can be trusted with everything! He is so good and delights in blessing his kids. And you will not believe this.... Lori has ties to Lynchburg, VA- where my Goose chase began! Her sister lives there and her parents are moving there! It turns out that she had gone up to Lynchburg thinking she was moving there but ended up in Denver.

After arriving in Aspen yesterday with Andy I received an email from my friend whom I worked for in Lyncburg, VA where all this began. Here it is....

Just a quick word. No time to get all philosophical right now. But I may later.

Just arrived home from church. The sermon was on Romans 8:28. Our pastor used an illustration that referenced the Denver, Colorado airport and a providential meeting that took place there! Honest to God. Rachel(his wife) just looked at me as if to say, "Can you believe this?"

Well, these kinds of things have been happening to me since February but I am still amazed each time. Not that God does these things... but.. that He is doing them over and over again in my life and now He is including the folks who were instrumental in getting this "ball" rolling back in January.

Just this morning, I was jogging on the Cherry Creek trail here in downtown Denver and lo and behold if I don't see a guy walking towards me with a Cooper river bridge run tee shirt on. It is a big race held in Charleston each year that attracts runners from all over the world. I stop jogging and inquire about the shirt and he tells me that he and his wife moved here last year from Spartanburg, SC. I told him that I lived in Charleston but was foreseeing a move here soon. I went on to tell him that my son, Mike, had gone to Wofford College in Spartanburg and he said that his wife is a 2006 graduate of Wofford. We both just laughed, considering the odds of meeting like this.

I jogged away with a big smile on my face!

As I have shared with you earlier- I have been living on several promises that God has brought to the forefront of my consciousness. One of them being Romans 8:28 which my friends pastor used in his illustration yesterday and was mentioned above.

More Than Conquerors
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose.

Just yesterday, on the way back to Denver from dropping Andy off, I was talking with my wife about holding fast to Gods promises. I told her that God did not lead me this far to dash me against the rocks of failure and disappointment. I told her that we can take His promises to the bank! If God tells you something, even something outlandish like He told me, you can take it to heart and count it done. Greg, in one of my men's groups says that God is a show-off and He loves doing things for His kids in bizzare ways at the final hour.

After a restless night of spiritual battle I awoke to this devotion from Streams in the desert.

Be Sure of His Promises
"Do as thou hast said, that thy name may be magnified forever" (1 Chron. 17:23-24).

This is a most blessed phase of true prayer. Many a time we ask for things which are not absolutely promised. We are not sure therefore until we have persevered for some time whether our petitions are in the line of God's purpose or no. There are other occasions, and in the life of David this was one, when we are fully persuaded that what we ask is according to God's will. We feel led to take up and plead some promise from the page of Scripture, under the special impression that it contains a message for us. At such times, in confident faith, we say, "Do as Thou hast said." There is hardly any position more utterly beautiful, strong, or safe, than to put the finger upon some promise of the Divine word, and claim it. There need be no anguish, or struggle, or wrestling; we simply present the check and ask for cash, produce the promise, and claim its fulfillment; nor can there be any doubt as to the issue. It would give much interest to prayer, if we were more definite. It is far better to claim a few things specifically than a score vaguely. --F. B. Meyer

Every promise of Scripture is a writing of God, which may be pleaded before Him with this reasonable request: "Do as Thou hast said." The Creator will not cheat His creature who depends upon His truth; and far more, the Heavenly Father will not break His word to His own child.

"Remember the word unto thy servant, on which thou hast caused me to hope," is most prevalent pleading. It is a double argument: it is Thy Word. Wilt Thou not keep it? Why hast thou spoken of it, if Thou wilt not make it good. Thou hast caused me to hope in it, wilt Thou disappoint the hope which Thou has Thyself begotten in me? --C. H. Spurgeon

"Being absolutely certain that whatever promise he is bound by, he is able also to make good" (Rom. 4:21, Weymouth's Translation).

It is the everlasting faithfulness of God that makes a Bible promise "exceeding great and precious." Human promises are often worthless. Many a broken promise has left a broken heart. But since the world was made, God has never broken a single promise made to one of His trusting children.

Oh, it is sad for a poor Christian to stand at the door of the promise, in the dark night of affliction, afraid to draw the latch, whereas he should then come boldly for shelter as a child into his father's house. --Gurnal

Every promise is built upon four pillars: God's justice and holiness, which will not suffer Him to deceive; His grace or goodness, which will not suffer Him to forget; His truth, which will not suffer Him to change, which makes Him able to accomplish. --Selected

As of yesterday, God has placed on my heart a need to pray for revival in Denver. So, today I walked around downtown praying. I believe this is the beginning of a spiritual awakening in Denver. I am sure there are many local saints who have been praying for this for quite some time.

One more thing. As I have waited for the fulfillment of God's word to me, learning to persevere in patience, hope and faith.... I was greatly encouraged by this word....

Hold on Until the End

"We are made partaker of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end" (Heb. 3:14).

It is the last step that wins; and there is no place in the pilgrim's progress where so many dangers lurk as the region that lies hard by the portals of the Celestial City. It was there that Doubting Castle stood. It was there that the enchanted ground lured the tired traveler to fatal slumber. It is when Heaven's heights are full in view that hell's gate is most persistent and full of deadly peril. "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." "So run, that ye may obtain."

In the bitter waves of woe
Beaten and tossed about
By the sullen winds that blow
From the desolate shores of doubt,
Where the anchors that faith has cast
Are dragging in the gale,
I am quietly holding fast
To the things that cannot fail.

And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide,
I know that truth and right
Have the universe on their side;
And that somewhere beyond the stars
Is a love that is better than fate.
When the night unlocks her bars
I shall see Him--and I will wait.
--Washington Gladden

The problem of getting great things from God is being able to hold on for the last half hour. --Selected

Many Blessings to you! Jon

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lion's, Geese and Broncos?

All are quite wild are they not? As God has been leading me on this wild adventure I call my wild goose chase, I am reminded of the wildness of our God and His desire to empower us with His wildness. He can't be tamed or held back! By nature, He is Wild at Heart and gives us this same heart when we experience new life in Christ.

The key, I find, to experiencing the wildness of God is in our hearts. This means we must get in touch with what is going on in our hearts, both good and bad. The Apostle Paul said it best in his letter to the Romans in chapter 7.....

18 I know there is nothing good in my sinful nature. I want to do what is good, but I can't. 19 I don't do the good things I want to do. I keep on doing the evil things I don't want to do. 20 I do what I don't want to do. But I am not really the one who is doing it. It is sin living in me.

21 Here is the law I find working in me. When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 Deep inside me I find joy in God's law. 23 But I see another law working in the parts of my body. It fights against the law of my mind. It makes me a prisoner of the law of sin. That law controls the parts of my body.

24 What a terrible failure I am! Who will save me from this sin that brings death to my body? 25 I give thanks to God. He will do it through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The key to victory over this "old man" is the abiding in Christ. "for without Him we can do no good thing".

Back to the wildness of God... I think of John the Baptist. Now, there was one wild dude! When we live lives of abandonment, whether to sin or to God, we can't help but be wild! Wild to God = reflect the glory and wildness of our creator. Wild to sin = reflect the depravity of man. Remember, there is no in between with God. We are either hot or cold. Praise be to Him who is faithful and ever loving and patient with our "wanderings" between the two.

I don't know about you, but I want to burst with the wildness of my Lord! Overflow with passion for what He puts in my heart. Chase lions!

So, I must share with you my newest trip with the goose and the lion. After I picked up my boarding passes I began walking toward the gate at the Charleston airport. Lo and behold, I run into one of my pastors (one of the sons of our lead pastor from Colorado). I had sent him a link to this blog and he told me he has been reading. Note: a shout out to Josh!

Well, after that encounter I went to my gate. At the gate I meet a great guy, Chris who attends East Cooper Baptist. We connect as only two Christ followers can. What started the conversation was that I overheard him talking about Colorado on his cell. Once he got off the call I told him I was on my way to CO. Turns out he was planning an elk hunting trip for November. I proceed to briefly share with him my story. He gets excited and wants to stay in touch. He left a voice mail on my cell encouraging me and saying he will pray for me. Wow! and I haven't even left the swamp yet!

On my flight to Atlanta I sit next to Charles, a financial planner for a local bank. Note: I was working in VA for my friend who has a financial planning business. Well it turns out Charles went to University of Colorado in Boulder for grad school. I'm telling you! You can't make this stuff up!

I am laughing inside at the wildness of my God! Hold on... it gets even better! On my flight to Denver I sit next to Matt from Birmingham, AL. Well, really from Jacksonville, FL- where Tim grew up!. Turns out He is a great Christian guy who has read many of the same books I have, especially ones by John Eldredge. Wow, did we connect! I have never had 3 hour flight that went by so fast. We fellowshiped intensely for the whole trip. He was so encouraged by my story and told me that God had given more promptings than he had ever heard before. I agreed that God has been so patient and gracious with me as I have been, at times, slow to leap forward in faith.

We ended up going downtown and breaking bread and continued our fellowship. Thanks Matt! I look forward to our new and growing friendship!

Needless to say, I am excited about what God is up to. My friend in VA wrote a recommendation letter to Tim Tebow and his wonderful executive assistant sent it to Tim's agent today. Please pray for favor and the Lord to open the door while I am here.

Thanks to those who have left comments on this blog. I greatly appreciate each one and want to encourage you to get involved in what I am writing about if the Spirit prompts you. The Lord Bless you and keep you.. Jon

PS. Going to an open practice for the Broncos today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stepping Out- The Road less traveled

Why is it so hard for us to step out and claim what God has promised us? I really do feel like Moses in regards to my adventure. Moses knew he was on an adventure of Epic proportions but yet he doubted his abilities. God even told him that He would give him the words to speak! Pour old Mo was still struggling with the path before Him. You know the story,,, God relents and gives Moses a "mouthpiece" in his brother Aaron.

Before I continue, I must make it clear that I am not giving my adventure the same billing as Moses' leading God's people out of bondage. Though, I do believe that my story has many of the same elements to it. Just like Moses, God spoke to me and charted my course. No... no burning bush or ten commandments! But. He has orchestrated many miracles along the way. Like the two devotionals below that came to me less than 12 hours after I booked my flight to Colorado. Orchestrating this is nothing to Him but everything to me! What a boost from my loving Father!

If you have read this blog, you know that I love the mountains. I love driving on mountain roads and have been blessed with a car that handles the curves with ease. As I was reading the second devotion from Streams in the Desert, the Spirit brought to mind the curves of life and told me they are a lot like mountain roads.

If you have been on challenging mountain roads, you know what I mean. All the twists and turns, elevation climbs and drops, hairpin turns and driving on the edge of cliffs. The Mtn.s of Western NC offer some very challenging driving with plenty of danger and excitement along the way.

At first, those new to Mtn. driving, generally go real slow. (to the aggravation of seasoned Mtn. drivers). They see the beauty of the Mtn.s but are very cautious and even fearful of this new "path" they are on.

Up till now they have sailed along the straight paths of life without many a problem but they have never been down this path before. Life is a lot like roads! Times of smooth, straight sailing and time of "crooked paths". I have known both! As I was pondering all of this in relation to my story and the past 6 years of the "crooked path", I saw an analogy that gave me one of those Ah Ha moments.... When we are on the crooked paths of life a few things happen. We are forced to slow down and travel more cautiously. We become more aware of our surroundings.. our vision gets clearer and we become better listeners. Have you ever noticed how much your focus and intensity increases on Mtn. roads? We can get so lax and careless on the straight and easy roads, the roads of familiarity.

I would venture to say that most accidents (life and auto collisions) happen when we are on the familiar and easy roads. We become complacent, lose focus and speed on ignoring the "caution" signs ahead due to pride and a sense of invincibility.
We slowly stop exercising the skills and disciplines that kept us "on track" and begin having some "close calls" which ignored lead to major accidents.

Just as Mtn. roads cause us to hold on to the steering wheel with a much greater intensity, the crooked paths of God cause us to refocus and cling to Him with all we have.

I am learning that when you are on the front lines with God, on the road less traveled, you will seldom find yourself on a straight and easy road. Consider the life of the apostle Paul and the early disciples if you need verification.

As I have been forced to slow down and even stop due to the "collisions" of life, I have allowed God, over time, to use the trials for my good (purification and holiness) and His glory.

Prayer. Lord, help me to cling ever closer to you as I travel down this path of adventure you have for me. Not knowing what may come around each turn in the road, but only what is allowed through your loving hands. May I not fear when fog clouds my path but wholly trust your goodness and providently ways. Though I may clamor for a life GPS, remind me that walking with you is done step by step. Love, your son- Jon

PS. Enjoy the two devotionals below. They sure gave me goose pimples in light of my journey to Denver tomorrow. Peace.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Will Go Before You
I will go before you
and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (Isa. 45:2-3)

God's imagery of going before us lets us know that he desires us to go on a journey. This is not so frightening. Most of us are aware that the Christian life requires a pilgrimage of some sort. We know we are sojourners. What we have sometimes not given much thought to is what kind of a journey we are to be taking.

Not realizing it is a journey of the heart that is called for, we make a crucial mistake. We come to a place in our spiritual life where we hear God calling us. We know he is calling us to give up the less-wild lovers that have become so much a part of our identity, embrace our nakedness, and trust in his goodness.

As we stand at this intersection of God's calling, we look down two highways that appear to travel in very different directions. The first highway quickly takes a turn and disappears from our view. We cannot see clearly where it leads, but there are ominous clouds in the near distance. Standing still long enough to look down this road makes us aware of an anxiety inside, an anxiety that threatens to crystallize into unhealed pain and forgotten disappointment. We check our valise and find no up-to-date road map but only the torn and smudged parchment containing the scribbled anecdotes and travelers' warnings by a few who have traveled the way of the heart before us. They encourage us to follow them, but their rambling journals give no real answers to our queries on how to navigate the highway.

(The Sacred Romance , 127-28

Streams in the Desert - Aug. 10

Making Straight the Crooked
"Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked" (Eccles. 7:13).

Often God seems to place His children in positions of profound difficulty, leading them into a wedge from which there is no escape; contriving a situation which no human judgment would have permitted, had it been previously consulted. The very cloud conducts them thither. You may be thus involved at this very hour.

It does seem perplexing and very serious to the last degree, but it is perfectly right. The issue will more than justify Him who has brought you hither. It is a platform for the display of His almighty grace and power.

He will not only deliver you; but in doing so, He will give you a lesson that you will never forget, and to which, in many a psalm and song, in after days, you will revert. You will never be able to thank God enough for having done just as He has. --Selected

"We may wait till He explains,
Because we know that Jesus reigns."

It puzzles me; but, Lord, Thou understandest,
And wilt one day explain this crooked thing.
Meanwhile, I know that it has worked out Thy best--
Its very crookedness taught me to cling.

Thou hast fenced up my ways, made my paths crooked,
To keep my wand'ring eyes fixed on Thee;
To make me what I was not, humble, patient;
To draw my heart from earthly love to Thee.

So I will thank and praise Thee for this puzzle,
And trust where I cannot understand.
Rejoicing Thou dost hold me worth such testing,
I cling the closer to Thy guiding hand.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chasing the Lion- Seizing God ordained opportunities

This book, IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY, is just what I needed to hear! It is a divine appointment! I was sharing with my wife last night, how this book is helping me reconnect with my courage, boldness- my heart. John Eldredge talks about how we so often settle for "small stories" for our lives when God has wild adventures for us, if we only get in touch with our heart and seek Him.

As I have shared with you, God told me that I would be working with Tim Tebow in Colorado. I believe this is the "Lion" I am supposed to chase! Up until now, I have been preparing by getting my house on the market and cleaning out stuff I don't need. The other main thing has been writing this story. The Lord told me to write it and I have seen this as my "job" while I prepare to move. Up until yesterday, I have taken the approach that God was going to make it happen- open the door. But since I have been reading this book, I sense the Lord telling me that it is time to chase this lion/opportunity. To overcome my fears and excuses and the irrationalness of it and go after it like Benaiah did in Second Samuel chapter 23. Chasing lions are counter intuitive and CRAZY! I assure you I am of sound mind and spirit.

I shared with my wife last night about this book, how God may be calling us to not wait for the door to open but to step out in faith and watch God open the door. Like Peter, who had to step on the Lake before he experienced Gods provision- the ability to walk on water. The ability of walking on water is equivalent to me working with Tim Tebow...... It's not going to happen without God providing a way. So Peter took a risk and trusted Jesus to provide a way... and he walked on water until he got fearful.

So, I find myself at a crossroads... I can try to settle for a small story hear or I can chase the lion in Colorado. It's like the Israelites... God had promised them the land flowing with milk and honey.. but they still had to "take it", overcoming their fears and the obstacles they would face. It's like God's promises in the Bible... they don't have power in our lives until we claim and internalize them, applying them daily to our lives.

Forward to this morning... remember.. I went to bed thinking about chasing the Lion...I awoke to reading today's Streams in the Desert devotional and that of Ransomed Heart Ministries, Daily Readings.

Now, I hope you are sitting down....

from Streams in the Desert, August, 5, 2010

The Blessing of the Lion
"And there came a lion" (1 Sam. 17:34).
It is a source of inspiration and strength to come in touch with the youthful David, trusting God. Through faith in God he conquered a lion and a bear, and afterwards overthrew the mighty Goliath. When that lion came to despoil that flock, it came as a wondrous opportunity to David. If he had failed or faltered he would have missed God's opportunity for him and probably would never have come to be God's chosen king of Israel. "And there came a lion."
One would not think that a lion was a special blessing from God; one would think that only an occasion of alarm. The lion was God's opportunity in disguise. Every difficulty that presents itself to us, if we receive it in the right way, is God's opportunity. Every temptation that comes is God's opportunity.
When the "lion" comes, recognize it as God's opportunity no matter how rough the exterior. The very tabernacle of God was covered with badgers' skins and goats' hair; one would not think there would be any glory there. The Shekinah of God was manifest under that kind of covering. May God open our eyes to see Him, whether in temptations, trials, dangers, or misfortunes. --C. H. P.

Well, the average person would think... that's funny, what a coincidence! But then comes the second one.....

From Daily Readings - John Eldredge/Ransomed Heart Ministries

Thursday, August 05, 2010

A Weary and Lonely Woman

Emasculation happens in marriage as well. Women are often attracted to the wilder side of a man, but once having caught him they settle down to the task of domesticating him. Ironically, if he gives in he'll resent her for it, and she in turn will wonder where the passion has gone. Most marriages wind up there. A weary and lonely woman asked me the other day, "How do I get my husband to come alive?" "Invite him to be dangerous," I said. "You mean, I should let him get the motorcycle, right?" "Yep." She shrank back, disappointment on her face. "I know you're right, but I hate the idea. I've made him tame for years."

Think back to that great big lion in that tiny cage. Why would we put a man in a cage? For the same reason we put a lion there. For the same reason we put God there: he's dangerous. To paraphrase Dorothy Sayers, we've also pared the claws of the Lion Cub of Judah. A man is a dangerous thing. Women don't start wars. Violent crimes aren't for the most part committed by women. Our prisons aren't filled with women. Columbine wasn't the work of two young girls. Obviously, something has gone wrong in the masculine soul, and the way we've decided to handle it is to take that dangerous nature away . . . entirely.

(Wild at Heart , 82)

Needless to say... God has made His point with a double exclamation point!! I am praying through this and asking Him what this means and what my next steps are to be.

I must admit that I feel like Mack in the book, The Shack. Throughout His encounter with the Trinity, he finds himself vacillating between dumbfoundedness and "wake up, this is only a dream"! Like you want to pinch yourself to make sure it is real! Stealing that saying once again...."you just can't make this stuff up"!

It's like, up until now, God has patiently been waiting for me to go from my pseudo active faith to actively chasing the Lion.... the opportunity He has promised me. He has kept sending people my way who have connections with Colorado.. Just yesterday, He sent a mom and daughter all the way from France to Charleston to sit at my table in front of Starbucks. After they sat down I went back to reading my bible and it wasn't two minutes before they started having a discussion about their upcoming trip to Boulder, CO. I stopped reading, and asked,"did you just mention Boulder,, as in Colorado?" Yes, Yes and Yes. Now, remind you, these "chance" meetings have been happening to me for 6 months! They had stopped for a couple weeks after I returned from Colorado but have picked up again. Now I must remind you that I was not thinking of Colorado when this all started. I had just started my job in VA and was totally focused on what God was doing there. It's not like I bought a new car and started noticing everyone who had the same car. It came from "nowhere" I could see at the time.

In closing, I am excited for this opportunity to "go for it" and walk out the promise God has for me. Remember the benediction passage that I have heard for 6 years in the wilderness... Ephesians 3:20-21

New Living Translation

20) Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21) Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.


20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

Prayer Request.... Please pray for us as we walk this out, for our unity and protection. Blessings, Jon- Alias- Lion Chaser!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trials turned to Gold- Loving like Jesus!

I am reading an awesome book that my son loaned me in God's perfect timing of course! It is by Mark Batterson, In A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY. I highly recommend it! One of the key points of the book is this: God is in the recycling business. He uses our pain for someone elses gain. Just like Jesus! He endured the pain and suffered the shame for our gain. This book is so rich with practical wisdom for us! The basis of the book is the story of Benaiah, son of Jehoiada from Kabzeel.

2nd Samuel 23: 20-23

20 Benaiah son of Jehoiada was a valiant fighter from Kabzeel, who performed great exploits. He struck down two of Moab's best men. He also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. 21 And he struck down a huge Egyptian. Although the Egyptian had a spear in his hand, Benaiah went against him with a club. He snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear. 22 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada; he too was as famous as the three mighty men. 23 He was held in greater honor than any of the Thirty, but he was not included among the Three. And David put him in charge of his bodyguard.

Pastor Batterson goes on to talk about our perspective and how we look at the trials and God in the midst of them. Do we see them as Gods punishment or worse, His lack of love and goodness- Or do we see them as examples of His love for us, His power and goodness- and platforms for Him to turn our trials and pain into gold for His glory and our holiness.

I firmly believe that the trials and pain of the last 10 years... God has utilized for my refinement, His glory, and preparation for the works He has prepared for me. Besides the talents He has given me to utilize for this "work", more importantly, He has given me many different experiences of pain and suffering from which to bless others during their times of pain. Just like when we go to school... we take a variety of classes that give us book knowledge but the classes that best prepare us for our careers are the hands on, live experiences in the work place.

There is no teacher like that of experience. I think my favorite name for Jesus is Emmanuel.... GOD WITH US. After all, He is God, and He could have fixed the mess we were in some other way... but He chose to become one of us... to experience pain, suffering, sadness, loss and separation from His Abba.

God is a verb, because He is love, and love is action. So, it stands to reason, that He wants his kids living this out- loving our neighbor as ourselves. Dieing to self and living out His love like Jesus did. The only way that we will be successful at this is if we will abide in Him. "apart from me, you can do nothing"- Jesus knew- He walked this out with His Father.

One of my favorite songs is Trials turned to Gold- by Keith Green. I have included it for your blessing.

Trials Turned to Gold- By Keith Green

He's brought me here
where things are clear
and trials turn to gold
He's shared with me
His victory
He won in days of old
oh Lord, i don't deserve
the riches of Your world
but You changed my filthy rags
to linen white as snow

the view from here
is nothing near
to what it is for You
i've tried to see
Your plan for me
but i only acted like i knew
oh Lord, forgive the times
i've tried to read your mind
cause You said if i'd be still
then i would hear Your voice

my Lord, my King
my urge to sing
and praise the things above
now words could say
the glorious way
You've changed me with Your love
He's brought me here
where things are clear
and trials turned to gold

Prayer- Abba, Jesus and Spirit divine... thank-you for my trials, for all the tears, the pain and suffering. I know I have only experienced the start of what you will do with these trials. How you will use them for gold in peoples lives, for your glory! I long for the day when I will fully know your amazing grace, love and favor. To be whole and complete in relationship with you! Until that glorious me to abide in your love and walk it out! Love- your Son, Jon

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Parking Tickets, Patience and giving up control

Well, I was 5 minutes late to putting more coins in the parking meter! And the result...a $14.00 parking ticket! Oh, that just irks me so! I think parking meters are of the devil. Its just bad business to charge customers to park. Anyways, today's devotional is about patience. So, I am thankful for the opportunity to put patience into practice in a tangible way. Yes, my timing was off and I paid for it! Thankfully, when waiting on God... His timing is never "off". I can trust that He will not tarry too long nor rush ahead too soon but will show up right on time!

It is interesting that two of the devotionals I have read over the last week from Streams in the Desert have been from Psalm 37. This Psalm is one I have been standing on over the last 4 years. I have added them for your benefit as well.

Why is patience so hard for us? I think it is a deep seeded need to control. Which is opposite of living in relationship. In a healthy relationship there is an absence of control or maybe at best in the human condition... an awareness of our controlling ways. Control is a desire for power which is at the root of our fallen nature. The only way for us to find freedom from control is in relationship that frees us from our need for control. Where unconditional love and trust exist... where each person is looking out for the needs of the other... where there is true servitude. At our best, we humans will fall short of this in human to human relating. Only in God, can we be truly safe to give up control.

Prayer... Father, Son and Spirit.. I desire to walk in relationship with you. To daily abide in your love and goodness. Help me to know how lost I am without you. Thank-you that I don't have to measure up or feel pressure to be good.. to truly know that there is nothing I have to do for you to love me. NOTHING!! I have been so wounded and deceived. Continue to heal my heart and renew my mind. I invite you, gracious and Loving trinity to walk in relationship with me. Revive me. free me up! I love you. Jon

Wait With Patience
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him" (Ps. 37:7).

Have you prayed and prayed and waited and waited, and still there is no manifestation?

Are you tired of seeing nothing move? Are you just at the point of giving it all up? Perhaps you have not waited in the right way? This would take you out of the right place the place where He can meet you.

"With patience wait" (Rom. 8:25). Patience takes away worry. He said He would come, and His promise is equal to His presence. Patience takes away your weeping. Why feel sad and despondent? He knows your need better than you do, and His purpose in waiting is to bring more glory out of it all. Patience takes away self-works. The work He desires is that you "believe" (John 6:29), and when you believe, you may then know that all is well. Patience takes away all want. Your desire for the thing you wish is perhaps stronger than your desire for the will of God to be fulfilled in its arrival.

Patience takes away all weakening. Instead of having the delaying time, a time of letting go, know that God is getting a larger supply ready and must get you ready too. Patience takes away all wobbling. "Make me stand upon my standing" (Daniel 8:18, margin). God's foundations are steady; and when His patience is within, we are steady while we wait. Patience gives worship. A praiseful patience sometimes "long-suffering with joyfulness" (Col. 1:11) is the best part of it all. "Let (all these phases of) patience have her perfect work" (James 1:4), while you wait, and you will find great enrichment. --C. H. P.

Hold steady when the fires burn,
When inner lessons come to learn,
And from this path there seems no turn
"Let patience have her perfect work."

Trust and Rest
"Trust also in Him" (Ps. 37:3).

The word trust is the heart word of faith. It is the Old Testament word, the word given to the early and infant stage of faith. The word faith expresses more the act of the will, the word belief the act of the mind or intellect, but trust is the language of the heart. The other has reference more to a truth believed or a thing expected.

Trust implies more than this, it sees and feels, and leans upon a person, a great, true, living heart of love. So let us "trust also in him," through all the delays, in spite of all the difficulties, in the face of all the denials, notwithstanding all the seemings, even when we cannot understand the way, and know not the issue; still "trust also in him, and he will bring it to pass." The way will open, the right issue will come, the end will be peace, the cloud will be lifted, and the light of an eternal noonday shall shine at last.

"Trust and rest when all around thee
Puts thy faith to sorest test;
Let no fear or foe confound thee,
Wait for God and trust and rest.

"Trust and rest with heart abiding,
Like a birdling in its nest,
Underneath His feathers hiding,
Fold thy wings and trust and rest."